Board of Directors (2024 and 2025)

  • Sanjay Mohanta, C.M.A., President 
  • Gita Nurlaila, M. Sc.( Eng.), MBA., Vice-President 
  • Joseph Kim, B.A, M.A., Treasurer 
  • Ronald Felix, B.Soc., Secretary 
  • Alek Choo, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Past President
  • Sjarif Ismail, LL.L., LL.B., Co-Founder, Past President
  • Immanuel Lanzaderas, J.D.
  • Jacqueline Prefontaine-Moore, B. Comm., LLB.
  • Monica Wu, B.Fine Arts (Graphic Design), B.Arts (Sociology/ Antrhopolgy), Co-Founder, Past President 
  • Webmaster: Juan Daniel Clavijo, B. Eng.