May 19 2011(Thursday), 7:30 pm
Canadian Museum of Nature, Theatre (240 McLeod St.)
Free Admission (Registration required)
Are you interested in improving your health, managing your body weight, lowering your blood pressure, and reducing the risks of cancer? If so, come and attend this panel discussion by three renowned scientists. Get the facts on the phenolic compounds found in grains and their health benefits. Find out why brown rice is better than white rice and why black rice is becoming known as a “super food”. The panelists are Dr. Rong Cao (Guelph Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada),Dr. Chaowu Xiao (Nutritional Research Division, Health Canada), and Dr. Nam Fong Han (President & CEO, Natunola Health Inc.). Presentation is followed by tour of the Arctic Kaleidoscope exhibition of over 80 photographs that reveal the true beauty of the north, by Michelle Valberg, who will be in attendance. Presented by: the OAHMS and CMN.
![]() Health Benefits of Rice, Barley, Oat and Flax Seed |